Religion & Violence
Week 2, “Evil Religion?”
Readings (due for class on Monday):
- Jonathan Z. Smith, “Religion, Religions, Religious,” in Critical Terms for Religious Studies, ed. Mark C. Taylor. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1998), p. 269-284.
- Reza Aslan, “Bill Mahar isn’t the Only One Who Misunderstands Religion,” NY Times, Oct. 8, 2014.
- Kelly Baker, “Evil Religion?” The Christian Century.
Objectives: students will be able to…
- Articulate and analyze J.Z. Smith’s argument
- Compare and contrast Baker and Aslan relative to J.Z. Smith
- Discuss Charlie Hebdo-Paris in light of the above theorists
Lesson Plan
- Check in with students – Receiving e-mails? Canvas updates? Accessing readings okay?
- Solo writing (5 minutes)
- Reflect: What one question emerged for you from today’s readings?
- This can be for clarity, understanding, or discussion.
- Collect solo questions – categorize while students work in groups
- Identifying the argument (20 minutes)
- Identify J.Z. Smith’s argument in “Religion, Religions, Religious”
- Groups of three
- Point to a sentence or paragraph that speaks his argument
- What is he saying in this argument? What is the substance of his argument? How is he supporting his argument?
- As a class, discuss Smith and relation of this material to recent Charlie Hebdo attack
- Identify J.Z. Smith’s argument in “Religion, Religions, Religious”
- Contrast with Baker and Aslan (20 minutes)
- How do they define religion, especially relative to violence?
- How do they suggest we (the public) deal with religious violence?
- Return to solo questions (25 minutes)
- (I pick from the categories that arose in solo writing activity)
- Themes from questions:
- Categorization of religion as an historical endeavor
- Qualifications of religion as good or bad
- Bringing academic to the public: Productive? Possible?
- Themes from questions:
- (I pick from the categories that arose in solo writing activity)
- Watch YouTube clip of CNN interview with Arsalan Iftikhar, “Do you support ISIS?”
- Questions and reminders (5 minutes)
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